Subscription Box Benefits & Perks | Beachly

Subscription Box Benefits & Perks | Beachly

Subscription Box Benefits

Hey there, Beachly Tribe! Brooke here. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and have come across what seems to be a trend that's here to stay - and that's subscription services! Nowadays you can subscribe to streaming services, grocery deliveries, fun lifestyle boxes, and everything in-between.

As a part of the Beachly Tribe, I'm pretty sure you're sold on why subscription boxes are so great! But in case you're curious about some of the best benefits , I've outlined 6 perks of receiving a subscription box (specifically a beach subscription box called Beachly or our brand new beauty subscription - Beachly Beauty!). Regardless, I think you'll enjoy reading about all of the perks that come along as a Member of Beachly!

1. Be a part of a community

As a part of Beachly, you're a part of the Good Vibe Tribe - aka the Beachly Tribe. You have access to an entire community of members that share similar interests and passions as you - the beach, tropical vibes, vacation feels - you name it!

Do you want to get more involved? Join the Tribe on social media to stay up-to-date with giveaways, season announcements, and so much more. 

2. Discover new brands and products

This might be one of the most talked about benefits - our Members LOVE discovering new brands and products. Here at Beachly, we work with mega brands that you've heard of for years and up and coming brands that you'll fall in love with. We love the brands we work with and work hard to find the best of the best to deliver our members a variety of high quality products from the best in beach brands. Check out some of the brands we've worked with in the past!

3. Save time and money

I don't know about you... but I'm all about convenience! Joining Beachly is quick and easy and being a member saves you time and money every season. Wondering how? Well... as a Beachly Babe, you receive an entire box of goodies every season which saves you time shopping online or in-stores. It's like having your own personal shopper (that loves the beach just as much as you!). Plus, every box is worth at least $300+ and is only $99.

And if you're a part of Beachly Beauty, each box is filled with $75+ worth of goodies and you only pay $29 a month. It makes finding clean and cruelty-free beauty simple, affordable, and convenient. Pretty sweet deal, if I do say so myself! The Beachly Beauty box may be sold out right now, but be sure to sign up for re-stock notifications and be the first to know when it's back in stock!

4. Exclusive access to sales and deals

Speaking of deals... all Beachly Members have exclusive access to Member Market Sales every season and so many deals. Trust me when I say soooo many deals. Not only in the Member Market, but also exclusive deals from our favorite brands. That's right, all of the brands we work with give us exclusive discount codes for you to shop! It's just another perk of being a part of the best beach subscription box out there.

5. Join the loyalty club and earn rewards

In case you haven't yet... you absolutely have to join the Beachly Loyalty Club! It's called the Sun Seekers Society and the perks are endless. When you sign up, you can earn rewards for being a part of Beachly in so many ways. The more rewards you earn, the more cash you have to shop! It's a fun way to interact with Beachly and get rewarded for being a loyal part of the Beachly Tribe. Pssst... signing up is simple, free, and oh so easy too!

6. Experience good vibes and brighten up your day 

In everything we do, we're all about the good vibes and sunshine. There's nothing better than delivering boxes all around the world that are guaranteed to brighten up someones day. And when your Beachly box arrives on your doorstep, it will definitely be an experience to remember. If you haven't joined yet, I think it's time you do! So what do you say? Click here to join Beachly today!
